Power of Five

How do you see yourself in five years time? One of the job interview questions, isn't it. If you have prepared for that question, you can answer immediately. Otherwise, there will be a one minute of silence. When we were kids, we were also asked by elders, "What would you like to be when you grow up?" Do you remember the usual answers to this question? I want to become a Doctor, I want to become a Teacher or I want to become a Policeman. It's interesting that when we were young, we knew what and where we would like to be but it vanishes as we grow older. We just want to go with the flow. To our TME, my fellow South Horizons toastmasters and welcomed guests, you will hear in the next 8 minutes the Power of Five - the benefits of having 5-year goals. I never had a definite 5-year plan when I was growing up. When I was studying, I just wanted to receive my Diploma then to get a stable job and earn just enough to...