Yat Jat Min Yeung, Leung Jat Min Yeung, Sam Jat Min Yeung (1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep). I've counted up to 100 sheep but still I can’t fall asleep. My fellow Toastmasters, do you also have the same experience that when you are too excited or too tired, you can’t easily fall asleep? At the end of my speech you will appreciate the importance of having reasons in doing things – it can move us, it can empower us and it can make us fall asleep. When I was counting sheep that night, I was not excited at all. I was very very tired. Too many things were going on in my professional and personal lives. There was no sign that I will fall asleep so I decided to do blogging instead. Dear Bloggers, It was in August 2007 when I had to decide if I’ll accept a job offer abroad or not. I asked my family and my close friends’ advice. My Eldest sister said: You can’t cook. You don’t know how to wash your own clothes. You are Mama’...