Speech 3 - If Time Can Only Be Recycled (made in HK)
Good evening fellow Toastmasters and guests.
Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it. (unknown author)
Do you know that in the Philippines, students who want to land a job in a big company will aim to study in famous Colleges and Universities? It is true, after graduation they will get a job offer from big companies. But, these famous schools and big companies are located in Manila or in Makati. Students in the provinces and nearby cities will rent a room in Manila or Makati so they will be closer to their school or work. I could have done the same, but I didn't want to be away from my family. So, for 8 years of my life, 4 years in college and 4 years at work, everyday scenario is like this - I wake up at 5:30am, travel for two hours to office, work for more than 9 hours, travel again for 2 hours back home. I only get home by 9:00 pm. 4 hours of travel per day x 360 days a year x 8 years of study and work is equal to 11,680 hours. I could have completed another college degree!
I appreciated the value of time when I moved to Bermuda in 2007. Bermuda is a tiny Island, super tiny that in one hour by car you can get around to the whole Island. Work schedule there is from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm including lunch break. When I was in Bermuda for 2 years, everyday scenario is like this – I wake up at 8:00am, work for only 7 hours, 30 minutes travel back and forth. Wow! I saved several hours per day.
I was wondering then why would I have more time that I should be busy to forget homesickness? Having these free hours only gave me room to think of my family and lonely. One day, my friend noticed that I was sad and to deviate my attention, she lent me her book - The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I started loving reading self-help books then. Reading didn't just save me from being idle and lonely but it also changed my outlook in life - I can achieve more if I dream bigger, I aim higher. From one book that I read, it says all I need to do to improve my weakness (that is communication skills) is to talk, talk and talk. I like chess through my father so I joined Chess Club in Bermuda in order to meet new people and to talk to them. Though, it's a mind game and number 1 rule is no one should be talking while the game is on going, we do talk before and after the games. And, I didn't realize that this mind game will lead me to Toastmasters International. One day, when I was waiting for other Chess players, I met one of the Bermuda Toastmasters Club members. She shared the information about the missions of the club. In my mind this is the club that I need. I joined immediately and I enjoyed my first 2 speeches in English. During that time, I just want to become successful in my career, become Chess Master and great public speaker.
Things changed when our company announced that our Bermuda office will be closed. I looked for jobs every day but in North America, they require specific qualifications obtained from specific countries. Even if I have CPA qualification in the Philippines, I was still not qualified. I couldn't remember receiving positive response but always system generated replies. – Thank you for your application. We will contact you if you are qualified.
Fortunately, my employer still offered me a job in our USA branch. After experiencing the pain of job hunting, I decided to pursue another qualification that will be recognized in other countries. I decided to take CMA Exams. After many sleepless nights, I finally completed it in two years time.
After that, I went back to my normal life. And, I thought my goal achieving days were over. A few days later, I noticed there's something missing. I noticed that I wanted to continue achieving my goals. I looked for Toastmasters clubs in Hong Kong and found South Horizons. I have made it my goal to complete remaining Competent Communication speeches until 1st quarter of next year. What's more, I noticed myself planning for more certification like PMP, learn Mandarin and many more.
According to Samuel Smiles is reminding us lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by medicine, but lost time is gone forever.